Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
(563) 359-3681, Ext. 3000
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By volunteering to work with children as they learn to read, improve their math skills or prepare for college, you play a part in helping your community become better educated.
Erica Dalburg

School Site Contacts
Bettendorf High School - Melissa Laufenberg - (563) 332-7001, ext. 6001
Bettendorf Middle School - Tammy Chelf - (563) 359-3686, ext. 5005
Grant Wood Elementary - Angie Nielsen - (563) 359-8277
Herbert Hoover Elementary - Jess VandeStadt - (563) 332-8636, ext. 4108
Mark Twain Elementary - Ellie Kloberdanz - (563) 359-8263, ext. 4200
Neil Armstrong Elementary - Terri Conklin - (563) 359-8275, ext. 4300
Paul Norton Elementary - Vicki Saxton - (563) 332-8936, ext. 4400
Join a Parent Organization
Step 1: Volunteer Handbook
Carefully review our online Volunteer Handbook to learn about volunteer responsibilities, rights, and tips for successful volunteering. By submitting a volunteer application you are agreeing to the terms of the Volunteer handbook and Family handbook information.
Step 2: Volunteer Application (includes Background Check)
Complete the volunteer application
Volunteer applications are processed through the Bettendorf Community School District Administrative Office. Once you are approved as a volunteer in our system, your application materials will stay active as you volunteer with BCSD. Every year, we will ask whether you would like to stay active, and if so, you will complete a new background check.
Please submit your completed application at least two (2) weeks before the expected volunteer service start date. Background check reports take up to two weeks to verify, occasionally longer. After the background information has been verified you will be contacted by the Administrative office of next steps. A volunteer application must be completed prior to placement in our schools.
After Passing the Volunteer Application Process
Step 3: Watch Training Videos
BCSD Volunteer Video Training Supports -
Module 1: ACE’s (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Overview (each module 3-5 min)
FERPA (3min) -
There many be other trainings you are responsible for given the volunteer role, such as in the Athletic Department.
Consider becoming a Substitute
The Substitute Authorization course addresses the four components required by the Iowa Board of Educational Examiner on ethics, diversity, classroom management, and strategies for learning. If you are over the age of 21, as achieved at least one of the following (1) Holds an associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree or has completed 60 semester hours through a regionally accredited institution or (2) hold a Paraeducator Certification from the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners and you are interested in more information about the other qualifications, visit:
A volunteer is any person (other than an employee or contractor) authorized by the Bettendorf School District to assist in school learning, activities, competitions, or events. Our volunteer program is not for the fulfillment of court-required community service or other obligations imposed for violations of laws.