Visiting BHS

Visitor's Pass - All visitors to BHS are required to report to the Main Office to register and obtain a visitor's pass. A 48-hour request in advance is necessary for a student to bring a guest. A permission form must be obtained from the main office for teachers to indicate their approval. This permission form must be submitted by 8 a.m. the day of the visit.
Prospective Students - The Bettendorf High School encourages visits from prospective students and their families. Please contact the high school office at (563) 332-7001 to make arrangements for your visit.
Parents - Parents are always welcome to visit the school and should obtain their visitor passes from the Main Office.
Non-BHS Students - Students from any of the Quad City area schools MAY NOT visit Bettendorf High School without special permission from the principals of both schools. Student visitors must have some form of picture I.D. (including driver's license, permit, or school I.D.). Student visitors are not permitted during the first and last week of each nine-week term.