Our brand guidelines are now available to help ensure consistency in how our brand is used in the district and our community - https://bit.ly/BettBrandingGuide #BettPride
Mrs. Schebler from Mark Twain enjoyed 11 days in Italy with her family and friends. Ciao! #BettSummerAdventures
Craig loved attending aviation camp last week in Oshkosh, Wisconsin! #BettSummerAdventures
Hunter Yates, going into the 4th grade at Mark Twain, enjoying the airshow. #BettSummer Adventures
Have a young one starting kindergarten in the fall? Come practice going through the breakfast and lunch lines with us! Our staff can help answer questions on what counts as a complete school meal. Free meals for kids 8-9 am and 12 -1 pm at Mark Twain and Middle School!
PreK-8th grade administrators, instructional coaches, counselors, and district administrators engaged in a day of learning around “ Building and Sustaining a Responsive School Culture for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. #BettPride # BETTerTogether
Mr. Ron from Mark Twain is out performing science shows, bubble shows, and more...as usual ...this Summer! #BettSummerAdventures
Hand-picked this morning from Craver’s Little Red Barn in Taylor Ridge, IL, available this week at our Summer Meal sites! #IowaFarmtoSummer
Isaiah and Elijah Garcia went fishing for the first time this past weekend. They both participated in a kids fishing tournament in Geneseo, each catching three fish. They had a blast! #BettSummerAdventures
Help students start the school year with the supplies they need! Bettendorf Outreach will collect supplies and donations at Hy-Vee on 53rd 9 am -1 pm on Saturday, July 12. School Supply pick up for needy students will be 9 am - 1 pm at Grant Wood Elementary on Wed., Aug. 14.
Now Hiring for the 2024-25 School Year! Apply online - https://bit.ly/BettHiring #BETTerTogether
Free breakfast and lunch will be available for youth 18 and under this summer - June 10-28 and July 8-26 at Mark Twain Elem and Bettendorf Middle School. #BETTerTogether
Mark your calendar! Free breakfast 8-9 am and lunch 12-1 pm will be available for youth 18 and under this summer - June 10-28 and July 8-26 at Mark Twain Elem and Bettendorf Middle School. #BETTerTogether
Please join us in thanking our retiring staff for their passion, years of service, and
dedication to the students, families, and staff of the Bettendorf School District!
Calling all summer adventurers! We want to see your amazing summer photos and hear about all the fun you're having on break. Send them to cmiller@bettendorf.k12.ia.us, or message us on the District Facebook page, and we'll share your stories! #BettSummerAdventures #BETTerTogether
Be patient with yourself! If you need help, reach out to a school counselor or social worker | https://www.capqc.com | https://thegraymatterscollective.com #BETTerTogether #TheGreyMattersCollective #MentalHealth
Congratulations to MT 3rd Grade Teacher Ellen Braet & Paraeducator Jessica Nichols for being selected as two of the district's Employees of the Quarter and for being exceptional! Learn more https://www.bettendorf.k12.ia.us/article/1583250
Taking care of your mental health is essential for overall well-being. If you are a student who needs to talk to someone, reach out to your school counselor or social worker. https://www.capqc.com | https://thegraymatterscollective.com/#BETTerTogether #MentalHealth Month
Mark your calendar! Free breakfast and lunch will be available for youth 18 and under this summer - June 10-28 and July 8-26 at Mark Twain Elem and Bettendorf Middle School. #BETTerTogether
Students share their favorite teachers and why they appreciate them during Teacher Appreciation Week - May 6-10. #BETTerTogether #BettPride https://youtu.be/4i4vcOygXfM